Monday, November 5, 2012

Cy's Birth Story

I thought I'd better write this down before we forget!

The last three weeks of my pregnancy I was on bed rest, and boy does that stink!  Thankfully I had so many gracious friends stop by & keep me company & my sister Carly helped out SO much Tucker it went by relatively quickly! 

Cy was born on a Friday.  Friday, Janurary 6th to be exact, the same day as my late grandmothers birthday.  We got to choose from three dates & we decided that was fitting.  Even though it was Janurary it was 66 degree the day he was born!  crazy!

Before we left the house we prayed for the day & Lord willing we'd have a healthy delivery & baby soon! We got to the hospital right at 7:30 that morning.  I remember not sleeping well the night before...just anxious for the days events.  We got there, got to our room & they started my iv to jump start labor.  I'd say by 8:30 we were rolling.  8:30 -10:00 I'd say the contractions were consistent, but not unbearable.  We'd watch NCIS in between the nurses & midwives coming in to check on my progress.  From 10am -1 the harder contractions began.  The kind where you can't talk and focus on getting through them.  Ryan was great (as usual)  and was my little encourager.

By 1:00 I had asked for the epidural & got it pretty quickly after that.  From 1-3:30 was quicker contractions & by 3:30 I was fully dilated  & ready to push.  I remember thinking, WOW this was so much easier than Tuckers labor.  I started pushing @ 3:30 & and continued on for 30 mins...nothing.  The baby wasn't moving down.  The babies heart rate was getting low so they stopped for 30 mins having me switch from side to side & we tried again @ 4:30, I pushed again for 50 mins, having to switch from side to side.  still no movement down from the baby.  i remember about this time I was ready to give up.  I had no more energy left. i was spent.  About this time it was shift change for the midwives & I got Carol.  But, since Alice had been there all day with me & was just as excited to see what the sex of the baby was (she said not many people don't find out anymore)  she stayed in the room & knitted until Cy was born! :-)  )  About this time the word C-section was being thrown around.  That was all I needed to hear.  I remember thinking I did NOT go through all this labor just to have a C-section.  The Dr. on call had been called in, along with her nurse & Alice in the corner & three pushes later Cy was born!  I remember them putting him on my chest & Carol happily proclaimed, "its a boy!"  I looked down at him and immediately started crying.  what a miracle, our little miracle.  His 10 month birthday is tomorrow & it has been so much fun seeing him grow.  His personality is very laid back, happy go lucky, routine driven ---although this one may be because of his mother! :-)--, very tender hearted and the bluest big eyes you've ever seen. 

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