STTN is what every mother strives for, from the day they get home from the hospital...SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. With each week I feel like we are getting closer but still have a WAYS to go! Cy is such a good, laid back baby! {which is sch a huge blessing!) I specially remember Tucker sleeping through the night at 10 weeks...and it.was.glorious! Since then we think he's been up ONCE since then--(in the middle of the night--one bad night of teething--he's a great sleeper, but I can't take any credit for, I attribute it to babywise!) Cy just turned 4 weeks last Friday & here is his schedule. (so i remember for the next kid) We have been working like CRAZY to get the babywise schedule established. Have I mentioned I thrive on routine?? I am most efficient & pleasant (as my husband will attest!) when I have a routine. :-) The below "flow" of our day is working on this routine. According to the book I follow this routine should be established by week 9ish. (keeping my fingers crossed!)
**Warning: this will be boring for most readers, really this is for us to remember for our next kiddo**
Cy at 4 weeks:
7:00 am. Wake up (change diaper & eat 5 ounces) (wake him up if he isn't already)
7-8 play (activity mat, face time with mommy, daddy & tucker)
8:00-10:00 Nap
10:00a.m. feed & diaper change (5 ounces) (wake him up if he isn't already)
10-11 playtime
11-1 Nap
1 pm feed & diaper change (5 ounces) (wake him up if he isn't already)
1-2 playtime
2-4 naptime
4:00 feed & diaper change (5 ounces) (wake him up if he isn't already)
4-5 playtime
5-7 Naptime
6:45p.m. wake him up (or he might even already be up) & give a bath, change to p.j.'s
7:00 p.m. turn down lights, give bottle & put right to bed (no playtime) (5 ounces) lights down & quiet atmosphere. turn on sound machine
7-10 sleeps ---(I usually go to sleep around 9 & Ryan does the last feeding)
**amazing what a week will make, last week he only slept from 7-8:30!) **
10:00 p.m. wake him up & give him his "dreamfeed." don't change diaper, lights off & feed him 5 ounces & put him right back to bed. turn on sound machine
then...wait for HIM to wake up. This time is usually sometime around 2:30ish. Two weeks ago it was 1:30 so I feel this is an improvement! At around 2:30 I change his diaper, wrap him back up in his snuggie & feed him 5 ounces then put him back down to bed. & wait for him to wake up again. Usually its around 5:00 or 5:30 & follow the same routine as the 2:30 feeding. We're still working on him going back to sleep & STAYING asleep til the 7:00 feeding but I keep reminding myself this will come! At the time he starts crying again --usually around 6:00ish I bring him into our room into the bassinet & try & get him to fall back asleep til the 7:00 feeding.
Right now he is sleeping ALL of his naps in his swing. I will try & attempt the cry it out method in a week and a half when he is more ready to learn to sooth himself back to sleep. I have heavily learned on the 5 S's (which a dear friend of mine introduced me to & am so thankful for, thanks Ashley Buller!)
1. Swaddling: Wrapping makes your baby feel magically returned to the womb and it will keep your baby from flailing his/her arms. If not done correctly, the baby may cry even harder. Remember to swaddle snuggly. Loose blankets may be a choking risk. Also, don't overheat your baby. (Babies should never be sweaty and flushed.)
2. Side/Stomach: Newborns are easier to calm when they're lying on their side or stomach. This triggers the calming reflex by imitating your baby's position in the uterus. Lying a baby on his/her back can sometimes trigger a falling reflex and make your baby feel insecure. Keep in mind the side/stomach position is great for calming crying, but babies should only sleep on their backs.
3. Shhhh: "Shhhh"ing your baby imitates the sound he/she heard in your uterus, which was as loud as a vacuum cleaner. Place your mouth two to four inches from your baby's ear and make the "shhhh" sound. It must be loud enough to match the sound of your baby's crying, or he/she won't hear it.
4. Swinging: Rhythmic moving imitates the jiggling your baby felt inside the uterus and activates the calming reflex. Ways to use motion are: baby slings and carriers, dancing, infant swings, rocking, car rides, bouncy seats.
5. Sucking: Putting a pacifier, finger or breast into a baby's mouth satisfies hunger and turns on the calming reflex.
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