Ames Tribune! I feel like I took a huge step into adulthood {as if we're not there already with two kiddos!} but i ordered the paper! A sign we're getting older :-) It costs $120.00 for a year & I'm making it a challenge to myself that I make that back in the coupons i'll get from it. So, I'll keep you posted! I have a spreadsheet ready & everything...I know, I'm a dork!
Phone Trick: this one is for my sister Haley who says my blog has become a mommy blog! :-) Ryan actually shared this one. But, when I listen to my Pandora on my phone if I put it in an empty bowl (like a cereal bowl) it sounds SO MUCH FULLER! It really makes a difference. Someday I'll get a docking station, but until then this will work just fine!
Shelf: This spring I am soooo making this. I have fallen in love with it, simple, rustic & just my style!
Sippy cups: for all you moms out there you KNOW what I'm talking about finding the perfect sippy cups. Ones that don't spill ...its nearly impossible. Well, I finally found some that we LOVE! They are Nalgene sippy cups! I had NO idea they sold these but I found 'em on Amazon for 7.50/each and got free shipping with my membership to Amazon Prime {love this btw, I'll have a whole post devoted this! }
My funny husband: Ryan started this segment called, "the faces of Cy" with funny captions. This one was my favorite..."You want to take my temperature WHERE?"
Love that face - so cute!