Thursday, March 10, 2011

a cluster of goodness

TODAY is my last shift @ Hickory Park.  As of 10:00 p.m. tonight I will be a full time house-mommy again! boo-ya!

YESTERDAY we got our taxes done. completed. finished!

TOMORROW my men & I are going to our FIRST garage sale of the season. 

THIS WEEK we started our hunt for our next duplex to buy & hopefully move into.  {I'll explain more there later}

LATER this month we have a marriage conference that we are REALLY looking forward to.  Amana Colonies + my husband + childfree= can't hardly wait!

THIS WEEKEND: both my sisters will be in town for some R& R and celebrate their birthdays.  (and I DON't work weekends anymore....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!)

MONDAY I got PAID $20 bucks for my first site review for and found a sweet site in the process!


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